The Dutch Big 5, come and experience the icons of Dutch Culture

Holland is not a safari country. Yet, it does have its own icons for which it is known. Join our tour and experience the Dutch Big 5: Flowers, cheese, windmills, wooden shoes and bicycles

The Dutch Big 5: Flowers, windmills, cheese, wooden shoes and a bicycle

To see the Dutch Big 5, you have to get out of the city. The lovely village of Roelofarendsveen is the ideal spot from where we can experience them all.

Not only is Roelofarendsveen the center of tulip production. It is also surounded by water, meadows and farms.

That's why we created this tour, in which you can visit and experience the icons of Dutch Culture.

Read what you can expect below, and join this tour!

See the production of Dutch Flowers

Growing tulips in a small scale greenhouse

The Netherlands is famous for its flowers, and has been for centuries.

Today, tulips are produced in large volumes. Big crates with bulbs are automatically driven in and out of the large greenhouses. Manual labor is only applied where human judgement is necessary.

But there are also places where special, niche flowers are produced on a smaller scale.

We will take you to such a small scale greenhouse. Here you can see, feel and smell the cultivation of Dutch flowers in the traditional way.

You will learn how to harvest the flowers, cut them, collect them, and create a bouquet.

Note: you can only see the tulips in winter and spring. Later in the year, we will show you other types of flowers.

Hop on a bicycle with us

Cycling in the Dutch landscape

In Holland, the main transport vehicle is a bicycle. And you will experience why.

We'll take you on a nice trip through the Dutch polders. The roads are flat and straight. The only hills you need to climb, are bridges and dikes.

We will also take some small bicycle paths, through a beautiful piece of nature.

We will use the bicycle to bring you to our next stops. The total roundtrip will be 13 kilometers. Don't worry, it will be in a slow pace. But if you can't proceed, we'll pick you up by car.

The world of Windmills, polders and water

Visit to this windmill

While cycling, you will notice the difference in water levels. The polder is in fact below sea level, and below the level of the nearby lake.

We will make a stop to visit the windmill that makes this happen. We can see how it pumps the water from the polder into the lake.

We can also visit the interior of the windmill. Experience the forces of the wind, and how they are transported to the giant jackscrew which pumps the water.

The Wooden shoes

Manual clog making

On our next stop, we will stop at a farm where different kinds of vegetables are produced: onions, potatoes, and especially asperagus.

But the main objectove of this stop is to show you the use of another Dutch icon: the clogs, or Wooden shoes.

Farmers in the Netherlands are used to wearing clogs. And you will get the opportunity to try them on as well. You will experience how they keep your feet dry.

We will also show you how the clogs are made. And you will get the opportunity to paint your own set of clogs. Or to play a game of "Clog-golf".

The world of meadows, cows and cheese

Delicious Dutch cheese

We will continue our cycling route, which will bring us to a cheese farm.

Here, you will see the cows, which produce the milk. And you will see how the milk is treated and processed to became our famous Dutch cheese.

Your visit to the cheese farm will not be complete without tasting the cheese. And of course, you will have the opportunity to buy some.

Join our tour!

The Dutch Big 5 is a full day tour for groups. If you have a group, you can contact us to arrange a date.

We will also organize the Dutch Big 5 tour for individuals on fixed dates. For 2017, these are the dates:

  • Wednesday March 15th
  • Wednesday April 6th
  • Wednesday May 3rd

Costs are € 60,-, which includes:

  • Pick up from the bus station (we will tell you which train and bus to take)
  • Rental bikes
  • Excursions as mentioned above
  • Costs for bicycle ferry

Optional extra's:

  • Lunch at historic restaurant "Wagenaar"
  • Wooden shoe painting or "Clog-golf"
  • Cheese, clogs and other souvenirs

Interested? Fill in the form below and we'll tell you more.

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

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